Thursday, April 25, 2013

Review of "Best Bottom cloth diaper cover"

I have about a million reviews to catch up on but I LOVE this diaper so I had to review it now.

I originally started reviewing diapers on my search for a diaper that wouldn't leak on skinny, preemie legs. We don't have access to those anymore, so this review is for an average size baby :)

These diaper covers are super thick PUL. They have double gussets at the legs and inside snaps to attach inserts. The first time I used this diaper was over night. I usually use disposables at night because cloth don't last long enough. I placed 2 generic inserts in the diaper and was surprised to find a dry baby in the morning! I have used this diaper since then, during the day, with an almost crawler, and still no leaks. Ever.

I usually use my pocket diapers as covers (I don't stuff them) so best bottoms was good for me. Some people say they don't like the cover right against their baby's skin where the insert doesn't touch but It hasn't caused any problems for us.

These diapers adjust size with front snaps (very easy and fit very well) and they cost about $16 without an insert. I wish all cloth diapers were under $10 but that just isn't plausible and these are at least worth it! Oh, and the prints are cute too!