Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cloth diapers for little babies with skinny legs

When we first brought our son home he was just under 5 pounds and we knew our "one size" pocket diapers wouldn't fit even at their smallest setting so we didn't even try. Once he reached 8 pounds (when the one size are supposed to fit) I tried them out. Saying they didn't work out is an under statement. They leaked out the legs and the top no matter how I stuffed them, lined them, or fastened them. I was pretty frustrated but I decided to try some smaller, more fitted cloth diapers before giving up. My son's biggest problem is his signature preemie chicken legs so that's what I focused on in my search for a well fitting diaper. My favorite ended up being the Grovia newborn all-in-one.  The reviews of each diaper follow.

(photos and my initial impression made when baby was 7-8 pounds)
(Thirsties size one, Grovia Newborn)

(Happy Heiny's mini one size, Kawaii Pure & Natural, bumGenius Newborn)

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